Sunday, December 19, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

 On behalf of the Board and Membership of ICFO, we extend to you this Christmas wish and best wishes for a happy new year.

International Committee on Fundraising Organizations       
ICFO – the association of national monitoring agencies   

Dear Colleagues and Friends of ICFO,

It is a time of year when we are surrounded by music and lights,
and for many around the world, a time of celebration as we
recognize the birth of Jesus. But, for all of us, Christmas also can
be a time of celebration as a symbol of hope, love, and generosity,
and a time of reflection.

Like so many years, 2010 has been filled with so much of the stuff
of human experience, beginning with the earthquake disaster in
Haiti in January, the flooding in Pakistan in July and August in
the midst of war, damage caused by other natural disasters, and
the reminders of poverty throughout the world. The
nongovernment, public benefit sector has engaged these

Included within the mission of ICFO is the promotion of donors'
confidence regarding the efficacy of their giving, and the
transparency, integrity, and accountability on the part of
charitable sector these donors support with their gifts. With self-regulation initiatives springing up around the world, ICFO and its member organizations are eager to participate in this effort.

As we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in
2011, we hope you will join us in the calling.

Rollin van Broekhoven        Adri Kemps
President, ICFO                  Secretary General, ICFO